Email Marketing


Ongoing Email Campaign Management

Email marketing allows you to connect with your target audience in a faster, more cost-effective way that can generate immediate returns. Bergey Creative Group can create custom designed email campaigns with ongoing maintenance and management services to ensure your voice is heard and your customers are happy.

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Managed Email Delivery Services

The delivery effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns are directly related to how well everything is managed. We'll make sure email lists, bounces, black lists, and other concerns are properly managed so your email campaigns stay healthy and your email list stays happy.

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Statistics & Reports

Just like tracking traffic on your website is important, keeping up on your email campaign statistics and reports lets you know how successful your campaigns are. We make sure the important metrics for your campaigns like detailed active graphs, total and unique click-thru’s, total and unique opens, unsubscribes and bounce reports are all tracked, reported, and accessible to you.

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